Selasa, 01 Januari 2008

New Year's Eve and its Resolutions

My new year's eve was a total blac-out. Literally.



And then there's this pesky sheet of resolutions to be made..
*heavy sigh*
So reluctant and unwilling to do it but it's one of those behavioral thing that if you don't do it you'll end up wondering why didn't you do that one day, what was your thinking?

so here I am, trying to figure out my new year's resolutions, online, before I leave to suburb on the next two days and since I'll be gone for long, I know you'll miss me *smirk*

Alrite, here they are..

My 1# resolution will be enhance and maintain the way I communicate with those who are close at heart and dear to me. Say, my elder brother-we haven't "talk" in ages, my teen-sister who is of course having her I-am-a-teenage-so-back-off-and-leave-me-alone-'coz-I-don't-need-you-and-don't-come-'till-I-signal-that-I-need-you-and-yes-you-look-ugly-in-that-Tee attitude which I don't blame her for being a hard-ass, my dear Mom who is more likely to be my best friend than counselor or higher authority recently which is awesome, My sweetie who will still be 8000km++ apart 'till the end of this year *meek voice* thus make me be very careful with diction and mark as we communicate mostly in written version which is misunderstanding-prone.
And then there's this Dad that I miss most of the time. Never wanted him to come home. It's too much to ask. Normal and casual converse will be nice, though. Alas, he's no longer ebullient - energetic adolescent.


Did I leave anybody out?

Aah. My best friends for life! elle d'Bon and Jules..
Life will be boring without them.

My#2 resolution will perhaps be, get rid of sum excess fat, yet again..
I've been having a Yo-Yo Syndrome of losing-gaining weight, which according to my family doctor- not healthy at all.
I'm able to get rid of xtra kilos quickly and gain 'em back in a zap.
I'm thinking about divide it into several small parts of goals which will be easier to attain and are more realistic.

My #3 resolution will be mastering Korean Language..
It's a fun language and easier than most people thought. It appears difficult and people are chickened out because it has different writings and characters compare to Roman, but to tell you the truth, it's way easier.
I dare say that English is 4 levels harder and require more energy and attention than Korean.

What else?


I think that's all for now. I'll add up when something came up.

As I said, I'll leave to suburb area in Jan 3 up to Feb 1. Perhaps won't be blogging. Won't have time. Tis' one of those times when I wished I have 36/8 instead of the same ol' 24/7.

Thus I pronounce this blog in hibernate stat 'till I post sumthin'.


Sehe Book Mani Batayo, people!
May we have a brilliant year!