Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

Rest In Peace - Papah Vincencius Marsudi

Kemarin, 8 Juni 2008, adalah tujuh hari meninggalnya papah..
sampai sekarang gw masih bisa ngerasain apa yg pertama gw rasain sewaktu terima sms dari Mamah..

Dee papa sdh tdk ada, doakan ya.


For the past few years, papah menjinakkan dan membuang beberapa ranjau yg ditanam Dad dan menggantinya dengan pohon mahogany yg besar, rindang dan membuat hati gw sejuk..

luka-luka Dhee sebagian sudah menutup pah..
selama ini senyum dan hangat papah yang membuat Dhee berani berharap lagi..
bahkan sedikit berpikir untuk memaafkan Dad...

gw pikir, it must be very hard for his daughters and only son untuk melepas papah..
gw yang bukan anak kandung dan baru beberapa tahun merasakan cinta kasih dan kebaikan hati papah saja..sungguh berat merasakannya...

*mental note: segera pasang Speedy biar bisa nangis tanpa malu*

Rest in Peace papah..
Dhee selalu sayang sama papah..
terimakasih atas semua cinta kasih..
Tuhan memberkati papah..

Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

then and now

This is my first blog – Chocolate Chamber – introductory section back in 2004, when I was still going out steady with a guy in a lunatic Forum *cough*cough* and blogging was early bloomed and money was so easy.
Lots of crucial changes happened, thou, compared to nowadays circumstances. Without further due, here goes..

Welcome to my chamber,

If you’re either a Britney Spears fan or a person who hold up all the Eastern norms way too high (read: conservative) and so naïve that you wish to marry a submissive innocent virgin, eat your heart out and hit the alt+f4 buttons immediately.

And if you ain’t one of those above though it doesn’t matter if you are, well enjoy your stay for all that I jotted down here are the stuff that may not be something important to you ‘coz hell yeah those were produced in my brains which dashed everytime I need ‘em most.

Did u read my name yet? No? Ops. My bad.

I’m Dhee. Some peeps call me Dhita. Parents prefer Mbak Ita.
Those guys on the hood? They call me Mbul, a self-explanatory nickname.
Elly, my partner in crime, calls me Bon - well, we address each other with ‘Bon’.
What I’m trying to say is, please feel free to call me anything but Bajingan unless you are Jules ‘coz that’s her affectionate nickname for me.

I was born on August 12, 1983. Under the shield of Leo star sign, I’m a Moody-Bomb-Diggity-Full-Of-Lust-Egocentric-Hot-Flammable-Narcist-Curvy-Please-Handle-With-Care lady.

All sports that have something to do with water are my devotion.
Say, err, swimming, diving, snorkeling, and washing dishes, washing clothes, washing car. Hey, quit that smirk, they burn calories, aight?

Book, Arts, Music, Flix and Fashion are my passion.
I’m a megalomaniac night fret when the self-pity and alter ego tidal wave washed over me and trust me baby, you don’t wanna be around.

Hey you made it! You read all this junk! Yippiiee..
Oh well, I ain’t that cold-blooded and that’s why I’ll end this too long introduction ‘coz it smells like biography already.

Contact me here:
kutubebek@yahoo.com or fordhee@hotmail.com or ciumdunk@yahoo.com
Trade pictures are allowed. Send anime, L`Arc~en~Ciel, paperbacks and hentai links is appraised. Talk nasty prohibited.

Drop by anytime, folks!
Leave footprints, if you must.

Here, here, I'm no longer being cynical on those people who holds up East norms high, due to many factors and perhaps also owing to those several unfortunate events (do I sound like Lemony Snickets'?) that triggered me to change for the better..or merely change..

"menjadi dewasa itu pilihan", kata seseorang..

growing up is an option.

although my brains still dash whenever I need them, I know how to pull 'em back now as I put a ball and chain around them.

I somehow still fond of water sports although diving is out of menu for the time being.

No longer appreciate hentai, had enough of it. Had sickly enough of it.

Still keen on L`Arc~en~Ciel though not that big fan anymore.

No longer being a megalomaniac night fret yet the passion remains.

Defunct those emails and make a new one with a more decent ID.

I've changed. 

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

Pendet Pertama

siklus hidupkuuuu..! *sambil mengoles counterpain sepanjang betis*

sekarang jam 3:18 pagi dan gw masih melek gara gara tidur kelamaan sejak pulang dari memadu kasih *baca:pulang dari warnet*..
dan janji gw buat online lagi malam ini tinggalah janji..

hwaaa...maafkan akuuu...

ini rasanya sama banget kayak pertama kali latian ASBD *baca: as-bet*, Al-Azhar Seni Bela Diri pas kelas 1 SMU tanpa kulit kaki yang mengelupas karena panas..
lha wong sendi nyut-nyutan, tidur pulang latian pun jadi kebablasan..tapi mending sampe pagi, lha ini nanggung jaya, bangun dini hari..

mau ngapain ?!?!

oh tari Bali..ternyata kamu sama saja kayak bela diri..

setelah membaca beberapa artikel yang memang ditujukan untuk merangsang gairah tidur seperti The Impact of Scientist on the Problems of Education, A Conception of the Role of Theory in Research dan The Function of Replication in Relation to the Problem of Estimating Error, mata gw malah semakin terang benderang!

bacaan akademis tidak berhasil, saatnya beralih ke bacaan non-akademis..

kemarilah semua komik-komik sedih..!!

Sand's Chronicle yg dari Titi gw lahap..

seri 1-emaknya bunuh diri..
seri 2-bokapnya yg mencampakkan dia ngajak rujuk dan hidup bersama..
seri 3-melepas keperawanan di gubug reyot..
seri 4-diem dieman sama pacarnya..
seri 5-putus dengan bodohnya..
seri 6-bercinta dengan pacar baru..
seri 7-gagal menikah,..
seri 8.....mana nih seri delapannya???
ya ampuuun!! gw br ingat Titi bilang seri 8 nya belum terbit..

! @ # $ % ^ & * & ^ % $ # @ ! ! ! ! !

udah gw ikutin segala rupa kesialan tokoh utamanya sampai 7 seri demi menemukan kantuk dan sempat disoriented ke demi menemani tokoh utamanya menemukan secercah harapan dan ternyata still counting?? there are more to go?? wait. it's pretty much explain why Titi terus membeli buku ini, karena dia tipe yg sama seperti mangaka pembuat komik jebakan ini..

Jahanam Penyiksa Tokoh Utama!

dan kenapa gw gak ngantuk-ngantuk juga??

siklus hidupkuuuuuuu.......*sambil merapikan komik jebakan*

biasanya nih ya..kalo udah sekali bangun dini hari begini, besoknya pasti kejadian lagi..kecuali gw bisa memaksa diri gw buat tidur lebih awal besok, given the fact that tomorrow is Sunday dan gw pasti bangun siang dan bakalan segar sepanjang hari sampai jam 11an malam, plus nyokap jg datang sore jam 4an jd kemungkinan tidur cepat itu agak mustahil karena nyokap pasti pengen catching tales selain menguliti kesalahan kerjaan rumah dan pendelegasian tidak sempurna ala gw selama dia tinggalkan menengok anak sulung tercintanya..

ya wis tak ngapdet blog wae..

gw share sedikit tentang latian tari pendet pertama gw yah..
aturan sih ini udah pertemuan ke-empat, jadi yg baru datang sekarang ya silahkan mengak mengok grotal gratul mengikuti yang udah dapat dasarnya di 3 pertemuan awal..tapi setelah si mbak Ayu dipaksa tatapan "kami ingin belajar" oleh anak anak baru yang songong *gw, Ujik, Karnivora (ini nama kamu bener ga sih? ini nama yg ada di phonebook hp gw setelah kita tukeran nomor)*, akhirnya mbak'e ngulang lagi dasar-dasar gerakan dan cara melakukannya yg benar..hehe..

tibaknya, nari Bali itu sama aja kok kayak Latin Dance without high heels dari segi pantat naiknya dan keringetnya di 5 menit pertama..

bedanya, ini ndhegeg'nya bener bener keterlaluan..

menurut instruksi mbak Ayu'ne harus sampai tulang belikatnya menyatu..
kinda difficult yaaaaa...
mengingat tulang belikat gw terbalut lemak yang kekenyalannya udah berkurang..
trus gerakannya juga patah-patah, sama sekali enggak elegantly glides kayak Rhumba..

ah tapi di latian tari Bali ini ada 2 hal yang bikin gw merasa semakin bertekad dengan program "Back to 55!" (yg ga tau baca post gw sebelumnya)..

pertama adalah kenyataan bahwa ada gerakan yg kayak mendhak di tari jawa, bedanya ini sangat lamaaaaaaa dan jadi inti posisi badan dan kaki..
trus mendhak semi-permanen ini juga pake acara naik turun pelan-pelan..

percis kayak kalo orang plin-plan kebelet pup tapi pantatnya enggak sampai menyentuh dudukan toiletnya, senanggung itulah kira-kira posisi berdirinya..
dan diulang-ulang itu gerakannya..
dan dengan gundukan lemak gw yg tebal itu, nasib pergelangan kaki juga lutut gw dan otot-otot sekitarnya plus otot paha jadi naas banget..

gerakan tangannya juga ngathank sengathank ngathank nya..
ketek kembar gw jadi kemana-mana dan sikunya harus lebih tinggi dari pundak..
ini loh yang gw masih belum mampu untuk melakukan dengan maksimal..
ada gelambir indah di bagian bawah lengan saat gw angkat tangan, dan gelambir apalagi sepasang di kiri kanan itu berat yaaa ternyataaaa teman-temaaaan......

mangkanya !!!

menurut keyakinan gw sejak sakit pergelangan kaki, lutut, otot paha, otot pundak, otot lengan - semakin lemak itu lenyap, semakin nyamanlah gw nari Bali..!

ayo! BACK TO 55 !


apa?! apa?! apa?!

apa sih pentingnya nari Bali?

ow ow ow...kalo penting itu berarti bakalan pentas, brarti ga masuk kategori..
wong jg ga tau bakal dipentasin atau enggak..
padahal nih ya selama ini gw kalo nari pasti karena udah ada tujuan pentas di ujungnya..
ah tapi yang jelas keinginan gw buat mencoba komunitas baru dan mendapat kenalan baru *baca: Ujik (yang ntah knapa lidah gw selalu keseleo ke Ijuk), Karnivora (sudahlah, kamu terima saja nama ini ya, nanti kalo ga terima kita selesaikan di latian berikutnya)* yang hopefully engga masuk kategori
"everybody know somebody" yang selama ini selalu melekat di temen-temen gw..yang buntut-buntutnya pasti kenalannya temen gw/temen baru gw kenal sama temen gw yg lain lagi...-itu more or less tercapai..

not that it's a problem, thou..

gw cuman seneng karena ada hal yang barunya totaliter, atleast for now..hehe..kalo nguote ucapan fave bojo gw, so far so good-lah!

wah, manjur nee...ada bibit ngantug menggelayut..
baiklah, karena guling gw jg udah dikudeta teman tidur *baca:bukyang-short for ibu eyang, akronim plin-plan kreasi sepupu gw pas berumur 5 tahun yangkalo bilang nenek malah jadi ngengek*, gw mau melungker aja di bawah slimut sambil sok PD besok gw bakalan dimaafkan meski telah ingkar janji enggak online di malam minggu (aku memahami jiwa pemaafmu, mas..)

oyasumi nasai, minna..tak micek sek..
*cue song: Trouble Sleeping-Corinne Bailey Rae*

Minggu, 10 Februari 2008

Alive and Kickin'

Back in Action, people!

akhirnya setelah sekian lama mati suri..
anyway, KKN ternyata menyenangkan !
sayang deh kalo cuma sebulan, rasanya kayak selilit..
nanggung jaya!

good news : Bukyang, mbah uti ku tersayang, tinggal bersama ku untuk jangka waktu yang lama
bad news : got no room left for me


ah tapi gw seneeeng, kembali dikelonin Bukyang..
terakhir dikelonin yang lama dan konstan berhari-hari ki kapan yo?
ages ago..
tee he he he.. kebutuhan tidur bersama gw lumayan besar..

ah hyak,
ini tadi seharian ngebongkar benda-benda di wide wacky wardrobe dan nemu handout ini..

for those who are taking Service Program Design class in this semester, this is a useful piece..

First Impression
According to psychologist, people form first impressions based first on how you look, then on how you sound, and then finally on what you say.
Your physical appearance -how you look- makes up 55% of first inpression.
This includes facial expressions, body language and eye contact, as well as clothing & general appearance.
The way you sound makes up 38% of the first impression.
This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly you speak, and your tone of voice.
People listen to your tone of voice and decide whether you sound friendly or unfriendly, interested or bored and happy or sad.
What you say-the actual words you use- counts for only 7% o the message.
People form their first impressions within 10 seconds of meeting you.
And first impressions don't change easily.
If someone gets the wrong impressions of you, it can take a long time ti change his/her mind.
Sometimes it is hard to make sure that you always gibe a good first impressions.
One problem is that in a different parts of the world, the same behavior may give people different impression.
In some countries, looking directly at someone is polite.
It shows you are alert and confident.
In other countries, looking directly at someone is considered rude.
It is more polite to look away.
Standing closely to someone is considered friendly and supportive in some countries.
In others, you are expected to keep your distance.
Giving a good first impression depends on many things.
Everyone behaves in different ways, but when you're not sure you're giving a good impression, the best thing to do is ask yourself, "What would I think of someone who acted this way?"
-courtesy of Ms. Lanny Ang-
nah, gara gara baca ini...
semangat gw jadi terpompa lagi dan lahirlah program baru gw..
BACK TO 55 !
ini adalah program pengejawantahan resolusi "get rid excess fat" gw dengan lebih detail..
secoro I was once only weigh 55kg dan eager to get that on line again !
Yay !
besok [11 Februari 2008] adalah awal kesuksesan Back to 55 gw..
*sambil ngunyah roti coklat chip nya Sari Roti*

Selasa, 01 Januari 2008

New Year's Eve and its Resolutions

My new year's eve was a total blac-out. Literally.



And then there's this pesky sheet of resolutions to be made..
*heavy sigh*
So reluctant and unwilling to do it but it's one of those behavioral thing that if you don't do it you'll end up wondering why didn't you do that one day, what was your thinking?

so here I am, trying to figure out my new year's resolutions, online, before I leave to suburb on the next two days and since I'll be gone for long, I know you'll miss me *smirk*

Alrite, here they are..

My 1# resolution will be enhance and maintain the way I communicate with those who are close at heart and dear to me. Say, my elder brother-we haven't "talk" in ages, my teen-sister who is of course having her I-am-a-teenage-so-back-off-and-leave-me-alone-'coz-I-don't-need-you-and-don't-come-'till-I-signal-that-I-need-you-and-yes-you-look-ugly-in-that-Tee attitude which I don't blame her for being a hard-ass, my dear Mom who is more likely to be my best friend than counselor or higher authority recently which is awesome, My sweetie who will still be 8000km++ apart 'till the end of this year *meek voice* thus make me be very careful with diction and mark as we communicate mostly in written version which is misunderstanding-prone.
And then there's this Dad that I miss most of the time. Never wanted him to come home. It's too much to ask. Normal and casual converse will be nice, though. Alas, he's no longer ebullient - energetic adolescent.


Did I leave anybody out?

Aah. My best friends for life! elle d'Bon and Jules..
Life will be boring without them.

My#2 resolution will perhaps be, get rid of sum excess fat, yet again..
I've been having a Yo-Yo Syndrome of losing-gaining weight, which according to my family doctor- not healthy at all.
I'm able to get rid of xtra kilos quickly and gain 'em back in a zap.
I'm thinking about divide it into several small parts of goals which will be easier to attain and are more realistic.

My #3 resolution will be mastering Korean Language..
It's a fun language and easier than most people thought. It appears difficult and people are chickened out because it has different writings and characters compare to Roman, but to tell you the truth, it's way easier.
I dare say that English is 4 levels harder and require more energy and attention than Korean.

What else?


I think that's all for now. I'll add up when something came up.

As I said, I'll leave to suburb area in Jan 3 up to Feb 1. Perhaps won't be blogging. Won't have time. Tis' one of those times when I wished I have 36/8 instead of the same ol' 24/7.

Thus I pronounce this blog in hibernate stat 'till I post sumthin'.


Sehe Book Mani Batayo, people!
May we have a brilliant year!