Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

then and now

This is my first blog – Chocolate Chamber – introductory section back in 2004, when I was still going out steady with a guy in a lunatic Forum *cough*cough* and blogging was early bloomed and money was so easy.
Lots of crucial changes happened, thou, compared to nowadays circumstances. Without further due, here goes..

Welcome to my chamber,

If you’re either a Britney Spears fan or a person who hold up all the Eastern norms way too high (read: conservative) and so naïve that you wish to marry a submissive innocent virgin, eat your heart out and hit the alt+f4 buttons immediately.

And if you ain’t one of those above though it doesn’t matter if you are, well enjoy your stay for all that I jotted down here are the stuff that may not be something important to you ‘coz hell yeah those were produced in my brains which dashed everytime I need ‘em most.

Did u read my name yet? No? Ops. My bad.

I’m Dhee. Some peeps call me Dhita. Parents prefer Mbak Ita.
Those guys on the hood? They call me Mbul, a self-explanatory nickname.
Elly, my partner in crime, calls me Bon - well, we address each other with ‘Bon’.
What I’m trying to say is, please feel free to call me anything but Bajingan unless you are Jules ‘coz that’s her affectionate nickname for me.

I was born on August 12, 1983. Under the shield of Leo star sign, I’m a Moody-Bomb-Diggity-Full-Of-Lust-Egocentric-Hot-Flammable-Narcist-Curvy-Please-Handle-With-Care lady.

All sports that have something to do with water are my devotion.
Say, err, swimming, diving, snorkeling, and washing dishes, washing clothes, washing car. Hey, quit that smirk, they burn calories, aight?

Book, Arts, Music, Flix and Fashion are my passion.
I’m a megalomaniac night fret when the self-pity and alter ego tidal wave washed over me and trust me baby, you don’t wanna be around.

Hey you made it! You read all this junk! Yippiiee..
Oh well, I ain’t that cold-blooded and that’s why I’ll end this too long introduction ‘coz it smells like biography already.

Contact me here:
kutubebek@yahoo.com or fordhee@hotmail.com or ciumdunk@yahoo.com
Trade pictures are allowed. Send anime, L`Arc~en~Ciel, paperbacks and hentai links is appraised. Talk nasty prohibited.

Drop by anytime, folks!
Leave footprints, if you must.

Here, here, I'm no longer being cynical on those people who holds up East norms high, due to many factors and perhaps also owing to those several unfortunate events (do I sound like Lemony Snickets'?) that triggered me to change for the better..or merely change..

"menjadi dewasa itu pilihan", kata seseorang..

growing up is an option.

although my brains still dash whenever I need them, I know how to pull 'em back now as I put a ball and chain around them.

I somehow still fond of water sports although diving is out of menu for the time being.

No longer appreciate hentai, had enough of it. Had sickly enough of it.

Still keen on L`Arc~en~Ciel though not that big fan anymore.

No longer being a megalomaniac night fret yet the passion remains.

Defunct those emails and make a new one with a more decent ID.

I've changed. 

1 komentar:

Humanitarian Pal mengatakan...

telat moco, soale telat ngrti blog iki. ehehe..

saia saksi hidup dr masa2 tsb. yea, you've changed. i don't know when how or why, but i do want to know! hmmm..